Friday, April 20, 2012

Just because

Dear boys,

We were on our way home one afternoon driving down the street we take almost every day.  Except this particular day the trees were in full bloom (magnolia trees??  cherry blossom??).  I swear they did not look like that the day before.  And I know these trees...they are in bloom one day and then full of plain old leaves the next...or so it seems.  Their breathtaking beauty is too short lived.

So, just because the sight of these trees was so stunning I nearly slammed on my breaks.  Just because I cannot get over how handsome you both are.  And just because I've made a promise to myself to document the ordinary.  I decided an impromptu photo shoot was in order.

A couple days later we passed by again and sure enough all of the blossoms had fallen and were being mowed up.  I was proud of myself for being spontaneous.  I had captured that brief moment and if I had said..."oh, we'll stop there tomorrow" I would have regretted it.  I guess the same applies to kids.  You look away for a moment and they're different. Constantly changing. I'm not ashamed of my obsession with taking pictures of their ever-evolving cuteness.  I'll be glad I captured these ordinary moments.

1 comment:

  1. "Just because"...describes it perfectly...I've always said, "Stop and smell the 'cherry blossoms'..." B-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l " Love you my sweet Sara are a wonderful mother, in so many ways... Love those boys...and your man... always and forever, Mom...xoxoxox
